Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hello to all,
Just opened my blog site after so many friends and other photographers requested.
This site will be open for discussion on photography only.
Everyone is welcomed,and if you have any questions or you just want to discuss
the art of photography or gear and locations,by all means post your questions.
This will be a fun blog,once it gets going.
                                                                      Until later, Bob Bartek



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Bob,Terry here.
    We met up in jasper at the photo workshop,that was alot of fun.
    Very nice website you have there,and finally you have your blog.
    I guess you purchased the 24-70 lens which you were talking about,i notice,very sharp.
    Do you miss the vr?Let me know because i will be purchasing the lens next month.
    Keep up the good work,and if your ever up this way again,let me know,i have some awesome places to show you. Terry

  3. Hi terry, nice to hear from you.
    Yes, jasper was alot of fun and a wild place for photo ops.
    Your right,i did purchase the lens,and believe me this baby is sharp!
    I don't miss the vr,all i have to do is turn up the iso to give me a faster shutter, and noise is no problem with the d700.
    Next summer i'll be planning another trip up in your area,i'll be in touch.
    Good luck on your new lens,your going to luv it.
    Hope to see you and others next summer, Bob

  4. to all nikon fx users,try the new 28-300 vr11 lens,this one is awesome.
    This is a go anywhere lens,you have the wide and tele lens all in one.
    Very sharp, and no need to pack any other lens,this one does it all!!

  5. I have had a lot of fun with my Samsung 6.0. but I think its time I moved on to a Nikon, what would you suggest for a beginner, under $300. that I don't have to go to a camera class to learn how to use it. By the way, I have been keeping up with the "Golden Hour" Thank you for the lesions!*_*xxx
